2015: The Best Summer of My Life

Kahn Jekarl
3 min readNov 6, 2015


Before the memories fade and we move into Thanksgiving and the holidays, I wanted to recount why the summer of 2015 was the best of my life. Despite the stresses of life, and the hardships of running a startup, there were many reasons it was a joyful time.

“June Gloom” came early, making for a cloudy May, but once June was upon us, we had an amazing streak of wonderful weather here in the Bay Area. Warm, 75 degree days filled with sun. A releasing of tension that only warm weather can bring. It made for wonderful weather to play my weekly pickup soccer games, which I absolutely cherished with the great group of people I play with in Burlingame.

Crazy sunset and clouds during pickup soccer

But beyond the weather, this summer was so great because it was so filled with love. My wife and I had a wonderful summer spending time with each other, enjoying each other’s company, dining at restaurants throughout the Bay Area, grabbing endless boba drinks when the heat of August literally drove us to the T-Pumps near us in Foster City.

Sharing San Mateo Sunsets

We have always had much joy spending time with each other, but this year, we were blessed to learn that we were pregnant, and that we could expect a little girl in January of 2016. So everything we experienced, the food we ate, the walks we walked, the places we visited, were also with our daughter Sophia.

Sophia has her mother’s nose

It’s really hard to explain the feeling of joy that has come over me. I guess other newly-christened parents can relate. There’s an anticipation now, an excitement about meeting her, finding out what’s she’s like, what her personality is. But what magnifies the love is how happy my wife is about having Sophia inside of her. She was born to be a mother. She has always been motherly, even at a very young age from what I hear from her cousins, and it all just makes perfect sense that she’ll be bringing Sophia into the world. So yes, there is just so much joy in our world right now, and I am just so grateful that we’ve been blessed with a little girl that I get to meet in a few short months.

Us and dozens of jellyfish in Monterey

So I’ll always remember the summer of 2015 as a time of profound love, where the anticipation of starting a family gave each of us a unique peace and clarity within, and a serene happiness became an important part of our lives. All my love to my wonderful wife and our baby Sophia.



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